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    LIFESABER is a multi-tool for the outdoor Jedi

    CROWDFUNDING NEWS – Can you believe that I’ve NEVER been camping – EVER? Well, there was that one time when I was probably 7-8yrs old and our neighbors put up a tent between our yards and invited us to sleep in it one night. My 5yr old sister started crying within 15mins and that was the end of my one and only camping “trip”.

    If by some chance, I ever do go camping (not really likely at this point), I will go prepared with all the tools, gadgets, and gear that any good outdoorswoman should have and maybe I’ll have a LIFESABER. Take a look at the video below and let me know what you think in the comments.

    What is it?

    The LIFESABER is a survival multi-tool that has a built-in USB generator, light, siren, UV water purifier, and a plasma firestarter.

    Why do I like it?

    I like the LIFESABER because it is designed to be multiple survival tools in one small flashlight sized form factor. I also like that it has a built-in generator that you activate by turning a crank. This means that you can generate power anytime you need to without needing sun for solar power, or an AC outlet to recharge a battery.

    Something to consider before you pledge

    The LIFESABER looks really cool (did you watch the video?), but there’s one thing that smacked me in the face when I was reading the details of the campaign and it might be a deal-breaker for a lot of people. They don’t plan to ship rewards until November of 2020. That’s over a year away. I don’t have to have instant gratification, but come on!

    Where can I find more info?

    The LIFESABER campaign ends on 10/11/19 and they are still working towards their funding goal of $30,000. You can pre-order a LIFESABER starting at $49. After the LIFESABER campaign ends, rewards are estimated to start shipping in November 2020. Visit their Kickstarter page for all the details.

    Support The Gadgeteer: The Gadgeteer’s main sources of revenue are advertising and affiliate links in articles like this one. Even though we may receive compensation, we always give our honest opinions about our experiences with each product.

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