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    Bug Out Practice Ready 2 Go In 4 Minutes My Wife And I

    Bug Out Practice Ready 2 Go In 4 Minutes My Wife And I

    My wife Melanie and I are often taking our Bug Out Bags and boat on fishing and survival training trips. So we decided to time ourselves life and see how fast we can load the truck with all our gear.

    We surprised ourselves by having the truck fully loaded in just four minutes.

    Now, keep in mind that we have our bug out bags always prepared and ready to grab in a hurry. Our bags are always updated after every use and put back in their places. The are easy to grab and go.

    Our boat, motor, anchor and oars are also close by and ready to go because we use them once a week.

    The battery is always stored out in the battery shed outside the off grid tiny house on wheels.

    Our food and other necessary items are always ready to go in the supplementary food bag. This is also packed and checked after every use.

    The cooler carries some extras and this is also always ready to grab and go because we use it so often.

    Nothing here was staged or moved to make it look better on video. We wanted to time ourselves for real and see how long it takes us to pack our gear into the truck.

    The idea for this arose two weeks ago when we went out camping with a friend and it took him hours to get his gear ready while it took us only about 5 minutes to pack our truck while he waited for us. We were surprised ourselves at how quickly this went.

    So we wanted to time ourselves live on video.

    I had put on the truck cap earlier in the day to see if it would fit on the truck. The idea is that we will be adding this to our survival preparations for future trips. Camping in the back of the truck is faster, easier and safer than using a tent or ground shelter.

    With a truck you simply get out of bed, jump in the truck and go if you have to leave in a hurry.

    Every single family should have a bug out plan and practice it. If you have children you should practice with them as well. As kids growing up we often had fire and tornado drills in school so this is second nature for me.

    Everyone needs to be prepared for anything. Tornado, fire, hurricane, war or other disaster could have you on the road in a hurry. Be prepared.

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