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    Discreet Prepper – Prepping From The Hip: Survival Gear To Have On You

    Discreet Prepper – Prepping From The Hip: Survival Gear To Have On You

    Hey Youtube! Here is a video from the Discreet Prepper “Tips & Tricks” department.

    I came up with a neat idea on how to have your essential tools with you at all times. I’m talking extreme Every Day Carry (or E.D.C. for short)! You never know where you are going to be when a crisis will strike, so I formulated a plan where I can keep all the basic life saving gear with me where ever I go.

    In this video, I created a system that has: 110 feet of para-cord, 2 knives, 1 multi-tool, 4 flashlights, 2 fire strikers, water purification, paper clips, 4 wet-fire fire starters and two knife sharpeners on my person at all times. In the cell case, I keep 1 flashlight, 1 fire striker, 12 water purification tabs a (1) quart zip lock, paper clips, 4 wet-fire fire starters and 1 knife sharpener. Right there alone I have 1/2 of what I need to get by in a crisis. My belt is made of 110 feet of para-cord which can be broken down to use for fishing, stitching, trip wire, etc. Then my normal gear ( pocket knives, multi-tool, and flashlight) give me double back up on the necessities.

    Since I made this video, I designed a better and more thorough cell phone pack and I am selling them on my website. Why go through the hassle of finding the gear you need at the right size and weight? I did all the research for you! I offer two different sizes: Cell Survival and XL Cell Survival. Check them out and our other products at www.discreetprepper.com.

    Help Me To Help You – I make videos to help people out. I’m still learning and I am not perfect. Before you thumbs down a video or leave a reply that simply says something like “This is dumb”, please give me a little more detail as to why you did not like it so it can help me make better videos. Sound good?

    Decency Rule – Let’s keep the comments area cordial and safe for other families. I was always taught, “If you don’t have something nice to say, keep it to yourself.” I don’t want to be a “Comment Snob”, but if you have any thoughts (positive or negative) or ideas, please let me know… Just keep it friendly, ok? I’ve seen some of the most insulting and vulgar comments on harmless videos. If you hate the video, simply move on and forget it ever happened.

    Email Address – bcreamer@discreetprepper.com.

    Web Site – Check out my new website, www.discreetprepper.com, for new products, survival gear reviews, tips and ideas.

    God bless!

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